The perfect gift for a Dallas Cowboys fan is a . . . lamp?

The great thing about going to an estate sale or auction is that you never really know what you will find.  I was out shopping not too long ago, and found something that any Dallas Cowboys fan would love.  Not only that, it would look great in either a man-cave or a bedroom.


The lamp is made of ceramic, and the light bulb looks like the wattage is not to terribly high (so this lamp would be great as a night light).


What is cool about it is that it’s in the shape of a football—and you can also use this to shine a light on who your favorite team is.

You can see this great gift idea in my Etsy store here.  You can also see six more out-of-the-box ideas for a Christmas gift here.

What kinds of fun gifts have you received over the years?

Six out-of-the-box Christmas gifts to look for


When it comes to buying presents for Christmas, there are several out-of-the-box ideas that you can consider:

#1 One idea is this 1960’s plastic polka dot rain cape for any fashionista.

#2 Halloween costumes—you can place costumes like these in a box for kids to play in year round—they are great imagination builders and just down right fun!

#3 Athletic jerseys—they are fun wear for men, women and even kids.  You can get a favorite team or even player’s jersey like these to give as a gift.

#4 Vintage board games are fun to play year round, especially something like THE UNGAME.

#5 Vintage ties—these can be unexpected addition for business suit or jacket for men and women.  Something like this RALPH LAUREN or even NICOLE MILLER tie would make a great gift.

#6 Jewelry like these CORO pieces can be a great look to add to just about any outfit.

What is a cross-collectible?

For many years now, I have heard the term “cross-collectible”.  The real question is this:  what exactly is a cross-collectible?

It actually is very simple.  A cross-collectible is an item that can fit into several different types of collections.  A good example of this is an enamel sign.  It is a perfect fit for any sign, enamel, and advertising collector.

A great example of an enamel sign is this one for CYCLONE FENCE.


The great thing about this sign is that it doesn’t take up a ton of room no matter where you display it.  You can see the sign in my Etsy shop here.

Another area that falls into cross-collecting is petroliana (or anything related to gas).  I have an item that is a gas related that fits the bill as a cross-collectible, and it’s this great EL RECO paperweight.

EL RECO Gas Stations Figural Paperweight

Not only is it advertising for a gas station, it also is perfect for a desk and even a cast iron collector.  You can see this great paperweight here.

There’s quite a few items that are cross-collectibles.  What items have you run across?

5 ways to dress shop for a formal event


Here’s some great ideas for when you go shopping for a formal event:

#1-Consider a vintage jumpsuit.  Jumpsuits can be found in just about any pattern so you can find one for just about any occasion.  You can find a great one by Westport LTD here.

#2-Don’t be afraid to go vintage.  Pairing a vintage little black dress with a knockout necklace and earrings that you might already have can make a knockout outfit.

You can even add a pair of cool pumps and a snazzy clutch to make that outfit even better.

#3-Choose an off the rack long evening gown—there are many ways that you could go without breaking the bank, like this one by BETSY & ADAM.  You can add a silk shawl to make the look your own.

#4-A jacket (like this one by CITY GUTMAN) or faux fur coat (like this one) can add just the right touch of elegance on cold nights.

#5-A tuxedo like this one or a dressy pantsuit in a bright color like this will turn heads.  A silk tie and blouse can complete the one-of-a-kind look.

You can find some great formal outfits in my Etsy store here.  You can even find some great jewelry items in my my Etsy store here, and me eBay store here.

What kinds of ideas have you come up with for a formal event?