What are some tips for people that are starting to sell online?

You have shopped on websites like eBay and Etsy, now you have decided to take the plunge and sell some stuff on one of those sites.

What are some tips to keep in mind when you do?

The first thing to remember is sell something that you have around the house, you don’t have to make a special purchase when you dive into selling.

The next thing to remember is the selling sites will take a percentage of the sale to cover any fee that will occur when you sell an item.  I would check to see what the fee is before I listed the item.

Another thing to remember is to consider the time it takes to sell an item.  I have seen a wide variety of how long it takes to sell an item after it is listed—there have been items that sell within seconds after listing it and there have been another take two months to sell.

This is a small handful of tips when you start to sell online.  What tips help you out?

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