What are some tips for people that are starting to sell online?

You have shopped on websites like eBay and Etsy, now you have decided to take the plunge and sell some stuff on one of those sites.

What are some tips to keep in mind when you do?

The first thing to remember is sell something that you have around the house, you don’t have to make a special purchase when you dive into selling.

The next thing to remember is the selling sites will take a percentage of the sale to cover any fee that will occur when you sell an item.  I would check to see what the fee is before I listed the item.

Another thing to remember is to consider the time it takes to sell an item.  I have seen a wide variety of how long it takes to sell an item after it is listed—there have been items that sell within seconds after listing it and there have been another take two months to sell.

This is a small handful of tips when you start to sell online.  What tips help you out?

What are some tips to help generate sales?

The first thing that pops into my mind when you talk about selling items online is, well, the sale itself.  What are some tips that will help generate some sales?

All three tips deal with the online listing itself, and the first tip is to take good photos of what you are listing.  I can’t begin to count how many online listings I have walked away from because the photo is blurry, or the photo is a part of the item to where I can’t make out what is being sold.

The second tip that has helped me with sales is to have a really good description of the item.  Not only do I try to give as much information as I can about the item, I also try to use full sentences.  I do this so the potential buyer doesn’t get confused with what I am trying to say and how I am trying to describe the item.

The third tip that I do is to try and keep shipping costs low.  Not only that, I try to ship as fast as possible–I do this in hopes that the customer remembers how fast they got the item and comes back to purchase another item because of the shipping speed.

These are just a few tips that I do to help generate sales.  What kinds of tips have you heard?

What in the world is a dummy stamp?

image courtesy of wikipedia.com

Many years ago, I attended an auction that sold a huge collection of both coins and stamps.  While I was watching the stamps sell, I heard many different vocabulary words that applies to the stamp collection world, and one of the words was dummy stamp.

So, what exactly is a dummy stamp?

A dummy stamp is an officially produced imitation stamp that is used to train employees.  It can also test automatic machines that dispense stamps.  This type of stamp is usually blank or carry special inscriptions or other distinguishing ornamentation.

In the United States, the Dummy Stamp term relates to test and training stamps.  You will see the term used in the United Kingdom more widely to include the promotional and even sample stamps that are produced by the printers.

Dummy stamps are not intended to be collected, but they do reach the hands of collectors by the postal employees that have access to them.

Have you ever run across a dummy stamp?